What's new

NEW: Additional User Role

Posted on March 4th, 2025

We've added an extra permissions role for Team Plan users. The new role offers additional control over who has access to clinical notes.

Here is a summary of available user roles :

"Admin" can see everyone's notes.

"Clinician+" can see everyone's notes.

"Clinican" can only see notes written by other users with 'Clinician' role.

"Support" cannot see clinical notes.

You can find more information about the difference in user roles by heading over to the Settings Page and viewing your user profile under the Team section. Click on the [?] icon to view detailed information about user permissions.

UPDATES: Improvements & Bug fixes

Posted on February 20th, 2025

Notepad Save Button

- Improved functionality of the save button.

Client Search Function

- Fixed erratic client search behaviour.

- Fixed an issue that prevented newly added clients from showing up in search results.

Payment Details

- Fixed a bug preventing update of payment information.

Note Templates

- Improved formatting of advanced templates.

NEW: Upgrade to Smilenotes Version 2.0.0

Posted on February 12th, 2025

What's New?

- Clearer and more intuitive navigation menus.

- More convenient navigation search - faster to find patients plus less mouse clicking.

- New shortcut buttons in the Notepad, for historic notes, medical history and appointments.

- Streamlined sign-up process for invited team members, with new member status indicator.

- Fully optimised for use on mobile and tablet devices.

- The appointment diary now starts on a Monday.

- Add your own logo to printed and exported notes.


- Fixed an issue that prevented batch exporting over 20 archived notes.

- Removed the extra blank page on print preview.

- Hidden old team members from the list in 'Usually Sees'.

UPDATES: Improvements & Bug fixes

Posted on August 18th, 2022

Client title/gender options

Additional menu options added.

'Other Contact' section

New section added to the client profile (under contacts tab) for recording additional contact information .

NEW: Scheduling

Posted on July 1st, 2022

Book and manage appointments for your clients with our new scheduling feature. Available on the Team and Pro plan.

Easy to use

See everything at a glance - book and manage appointments for your clients with a few easy clicks.

Quickly find and add clients

Use our intuitive search tool to quickly find clients and book appointments.

Automated notifications and reminders

Reduce no-shows and missed appointments with email messages that are sent automatically to your clients reminding them about their appointment.


Colour code appointment types. Add files and web-links (such as an online form) to emails.

Multiple locations

Create separate appointment diaries for each work location.

Multiple users

Settings for each team member allow you to control shifts, breaks and treatments.

Appointment history

Smilenotes keeps a log of past attendance and bookings.

UPDATES: Improvements

Posted on October 31st, 2021

Notepad Client Search

Improved notepad search functionality so more intuitive and easier to find clients.

Clearer Notepad Client Identification

A 'hollow' person icon indicates a client has not been loaded. A 'solid' person icon confirms a client has been loaded.

New Notepad Menu

We've cleaned up the Notepad menu.

UPDATES: Improvements

Posted on July 15th, 2021

New menu option

Added new menu option in the 'Notes' section of the patient profile to allow editing the note if it has an 'Active' status (visible in Draft notes). If the note has been archived (locked) there will be no option to edit it.

Wider scroll bars

Made scroll bars wider and easier to see and use.

Quickly view patient age

Age of the client/patient is displayed at the top of the patient profile screen ('Details' tab).

NEW: add diagrams and charts to your notes

Posted on July 14th, 2021


Just one click to add a chart to your notes.

Works on all devices

Annotate charts using any device with a mouse, stylus or finger.

Mark-up your chart

Add lines, arrows, text and more. 


Save charts alongside your notes so you can easily refer back to them. 


Use our preloaded chart or replace it with your own. You can even add a photo or image.

NEW: Video and audio file support

Posted on April 13th, 2021

Upload short video and audio files to client records.

Learn more about file uploads...

New data fields within the client profile: 'school/nursery details' and 'work phone'.

NEW: Lost internet connection alert

Posted on March 3rd, 2021

Smilenotes will let you know if your internet connection drops to warn you that your notes are no longer auto saving.

Bug Fixes:

-fixed issue with Chrome web browser where 'last saved time' in the notepad was displaying 1 hour ahead of actual time.

-fixed issue where you couldn't view pdf files properly if using Safari web browser.

-fixed gender saving issue within client profile.

NEW: Auto Log Out Feature

Posted on February 21st, 2021

Help keep your account secure - specify a time after inactivity when Smilenotes should automatically log you out.

Learn how to use the auto log out feature...

UPDATE: Bug Fixes

Posted on February 8th, 2021

Bug Fixes:

-fixed issue where DOB selector within the client profile was working eratically with certain browsers.

UPDATE: Bug Fixes and Improvements

Posted on January 12th, 2021

We've made a few changes to the way you can record client profile information:

Client Title - no longer a required field. Added the title Master as an option.

Client Gender - no longer a required field. Simply untick if you don't want to specify.

Bug Fixes:

-fixed issue where template categories weren't keeping the correct order.

UPDATE: Bug Fixes

Posted on December 16th, 2020

Notepad check-box - fixed issue where custom checkbox was not showing.

Business Name - fixed issue where business name was not displaying in top menu.

Auto templates - fixed issue where auto templates were not visible for new user accounts.

UPDATE: Finished Notes

Posted on December 10th, 2020

We've changed the behaviour of Finished Notes.

You can set Smilenotes to automatically clean up your Finished Notes by selecting one of the options on the Settings page > Notes Management tab.

Please be aware that when you select the manual option we will now show the 30 most recent notes in Finished Notes - after this number we will automatically archive the oldest notes.

UPDATE: Bug Fixes

Posted on December 10th, 2020

Duplicate note tabs- Fixed issue of duplicate note when you create a new note in the notepad.

NEW!: We've Improved the notepad

Posted on December 7th, 2020

We've redesigned the notepad to make note keeping easier.

Less Clicking

just start typing wherever you place the cursor.

Auto Save

notes save every 20 seconds or if you move to another note-tab or page. The time notes last saved is shown at the top of the notepad.

Cleaner Workspace

we've impoved the layout of menus and buttons to make them easier to use. We've added a link to our video help page from the main menu for handy advice and assistance on using Smilenotes.

Custom Checkbox

customise (or remove) the checkbox in the notepad.

Advanced Templates

add buttons and dropdown multiple choices into your note templates.

Video: How To Set Up Advanced Templates

Time Zone

set the local time according to where you live so notes, memos and file uploads are time stamped correctly.

Bug fixes

-fixed default DOB issue (01/01/1970) if DOB not used

-data export email issue

-update payment method

UPDATE: New features & Updates

Posted on August 10th, 2020

We've released a new 'Team Plan'. It's ideal for larger or growing practices. Here's what you can do:

Collaborate with your Team

Share your patient/client information and note templates with your all your staff.

Add or remove members

Control who has access to your data and set permissions for each trusted team member based on their role.

Separate logins for each team member

GDPR compliance and security. 

Add your business name and logo

Incorporate your brand into Smilenotes for a professional look.

More storage space

50GB space fo your files and documents.

UPDATE: Bug Fixes

Posted on April 21st, 2020

Category list ordering- Fixed issue where template categories were not saving in the selected order.

Delete Collection- Fixed issue preventing deletion of template collections.

UPDATE: New features & Updates

Posted on March 18th, 2020

Clearer Work Space- We’ve improved layout and readability. Easier to read font sizes, time and date format.

Easier to Search- Find your clients faster. More comprehensive search including archived notes and client pages.

Archive Patients- hide patients that no longer come to see you to keep your workspace organised. 

Extra Auto Templates- 3 extra auto templates. 

Faster Copy Function- Faster copying and pasting! Now works on any device. 

UPDATE: New feature

Posted on January 7th, 2020

File Uploads- Scan documents, upload PDF's, charts and images and store them alongside client details and notes. You can label files and search for them quickly so documents are always to hand.

UPDATE: New features

Posted on October 22nd, 2019

PATIENT DETAILS - latest upgrade provides additional data fields for recording important details about your clients / patients. All patient data entered into Smilenotes is encrypted both in transit (SSL) and at rest on our servers (AES).

MEMO - the Memo function is a useful place to keep things like medical details or general notes about patients. Text is encrypted and time stamped however memo notes are not ‘locked’ like clinical notes so you can re-edit them any time.

UPDATE: Server upgrade and new features

Posted on September 9th, 2019

New payment security measures will be introduced from 14 September 2019, in response to a change in the law. The new system is called SCA (Strong Customer Authentication), and will apply whenever you make a purchase from any retailer, including Smilenotes. We have updated our card handling facilities to ensure compliance.

NEW FEATURE: you can now add/remove and update your payment card details from the subscription page.

Latest server upgrades for performance and security.

Updated site cryptography to latest AES technology ensuring all your patient/client data remains encrypted at rest on our servers.

UPDATE: Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

Posted on May 2nd, 2018

Smilenotes is updating its Privacy Policy effective May 25, 2018 to help demonstrate our compliance with new (GDPR) data laws coming into effect.

We’re improving our Privacy Policy and  Terms of Use to make them even more understandable and transparent. Here’s a brief summary of the changes:

  • Our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use reflect recent changes to data protection laws and provide additional clarity regarding how we collect, store and process your information.

  • We’ll soon be asking for your consent to collect and process certain data. The updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (which we encourage you to read) will go into effect on May 25, 2018. If you continue to use Smilenotes after May 25, 2018, you do so under the new terms and policies.

And don’t forget – you can also adjust your email preferences by logging into you account  at any time or contact our Support Team with questions.

We are working hard to continue to earn your trust and are deeply committed to protecting your privacy and respecting your data. We hope these updates demonstrate that commitment and make your Smilenotes experience even better.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Smilenotes Team

UPDATE: Server Updates and Upgrade

Posted on March 29th, 2018

Simlenotes has been updated to improve security.

We've also upgraded our server to double our processing power and speed!

NEW: App button!

Posted on March 12th, 2018

Using Smilenotes on your tablet?

You can now add a Smilenotes 'App button' to your Home Screen.

On an Apple device open the Smilenotes home page or login page in Safari and click the button shown below. Then click "Add to Home Screen".

Home Screen Button

Updated: Fixed saving issue with labels

Posted on January 31st, 2017

Did you know you can add separate labels to your notes and clients?

Search for clients with a CLIENT LABEL using the main search or on the 'Client page'.

Search your notes with a NOTE LABEL on the 'Archived notes page'.

Updated: Improved Past Notes Page

Posted on June 16, 2016

When you see patients/clients between visits it's always helpful to read through previous notes.

To help make things easier and clearer we've made a few changes to the past notes page.

The text box is now a larger (so you can see more of your note) and you can now resize it as you need.

Template Settings