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    Create a new client

    Once you've created a client profile you'll be able to write notes and upload documents.

    Who can use this function? All users

    Video: How to create a new client record (0:20)

    Archive client

    Keep your workspace neat and tidy by archiving clients that no longer attend your practice.

    Archiving slimply hides the client from showing up in the main search results and hides their visibility on the client page, (the client will never be deleted from the system).

    You can easily reverse this function at any time if you ever need to view the client information.

    Any files saved with the client record will continue to count towards your storage allowance even if archived.

    Who can use this function? All users

    Video: How to archive a client (0:31)

    Delete client

    This function permanently removes all client data from the system. Once deleted, it's not possible to reverse this action.

    Who can use this function? Account owner or admin user only.

    Uploading documents and files

    Upload documents and files to Smilenotes and keep them organised with the client record.

    Allowed file types:

    Video files: .mp4 .wmv .mov

    Image files: .jpeg .png

    Word files: .docx .doc

    Document files: .pdf

    Excel files: .xls .xlsx

    Audio files: .mp3

    The maximum file size that you can upload/attach is 8MB.

    Video: How to upload a file