Create notes by selecting templates from the side menu by clicking on them or by dragging and dropping them into the notepad.
Click anywhere on the note text to customise it further.
Smilenotes saves your notes as you write.
Clicking the tick on the note tab at the bottom of the screen moves the note into the Finished notes area (Draft Notes). Finished notes are automaically archived according to your preferences
How to auto sort finished notes  Video: how to create a note (0:26)
The Notepad checkbox adds a simple note template to your note. It is conveniently located at the top of the page and can be customised as required.
In the above example we used the custom checkbox template to record consent, VCO (Verbal Consent Obtained).
You can change and personalise the template text for the custom checkbox from the main settings page.
Navigate to the notepad. View your Templates by clicking on a Category from the side menu to expand the accordion.
Choose a template then either drag & drop it into the note area or just click on it with the left mouse button.
Once you've added a template to the note area, you can customise it further. Click and start typing to make changes.
Change the order of added Templates within the note area by drag and dropping them.
Select the Template you wish to re-position. Left mouse click on the grid/box 'handle' and hold.
Drag the Template to the new position (whilst continuing to hold down the left mouse button).
Release the mouse button to drop the template into the new position.
Hover over the template then click on the X icon to remove it from your note.
The note tabs at the bottom of the screen allow you to easily switch between notes by clicking on them.
Show or hide the tabs by clicking on the button (shown below).
Switching between tabs automatically saves your current note so you can come back to it later.
Clicking on a tab opens the note so you can continue editing it.
The active tab has a blue colour.
Press the tick icon on a tab once you've 'finished' with a note. The tab will then 'disappear' and the note will be moved to the finished notes section. You can view all 'Active' and 'Finished' notes from the 'Draft Notes' page, (reached from the main menu).
Press the Copy button to automatically copy the note to your computer's memory.
Paste the final note where you want it to go.
Place the mouse cursor where you want to paste your note - then either:
i) Right mouse click then "Paste"
ii) Press "Crl" and "V on your keyboard.
A pasted note will appear exactly how you wrote it in Smilenotes.
Once you've finished writing your note - press the tick icon on the tab. This causes the tab to disappear and the note is moved into the 'Finished Notes' section on the Draft Notes Page.
You can manage both Finished and Active notes from the Draft notes page.
Design and create customised note templates to save repeatedly typing the same notes over and over again. Make templates as simple or as complex as you like.
Organise your templates into categories so you can find them quickly and easily.
Note template text can be colour-coded to help make reading and checking what you've written much clearer.
Add buttons and dropdown menus to your templates with advanced templates.
To Make new Categories and Templates you must be on the Note Pad screen.
Click on 'Edit Templates' here:
Once in Template Editing Mode, new icons will become available that allow you to edit existing templates/categories or create new ones.(see screenshot below)
Make sure you are in template editing mode, then click on the 'Add Category' button
A pop-up window appears. Choose a name for your Category.
Select a category colour by clicking on the colour square and making a selection.
Press Save to create the new Category (or press Close to go back).
Basic templates are simple paragraphs of text and can be created quickly.
Make sure you are in Template Editing Mode, then click the Category you want to add templates to.
Click 'Add Template' to add a template.
A new pop-up window will appear.
Select 'Basic'.
Give your template a short name.
By default the template will be put in the Category you currently have open. If you'd rather put it into another Category then make a selection from the dropdown menu.
Type your note exactly as you want it to be written in the text box.
Select a colour for your template text by clicking on a coloured square.
Add buttons and dropdown menus to your templates to help you breeze through the task of note-taking.
Make sure you are in Template Editing Mode, then click the Category you want to add templates to.
Click 'Add Template' to create a new template.
A new pop-up window will appear.
Select 'Advanced'.
Give your template a name..
Use the editor to create your template.
Add buttons, dropdown menus and text.
Video: how to set up templates with buttons and dropdown options (1:41)
Auto templates save you time writing the same thing over and over again. They're great for note entries that are likely to be the same for every note, such as your assistant's name or practice/clinic location.
Press edit.
Type or change the text in the fields.
Press save to update changes.
Verify your note template – it will appear in your notes exactly as displayed within the grey highlighted area.
Check the box to make this template activate every time you create a new note (or un-check to disable automatic behaviour).
Auto templates can be easily and quickly updated from this page whenever the details change.
Quick Labels can be used for things like drug batch numbers (eg local anaesthetics) or laboratory names. These are things that don't change very often, but when you need to update the details, you'll be able to do so quickly and easily from 'Template Settings'. If you add a Quick Update Label to one your general note templates, both the 'Label Description' and the 'Label' will be added to your note template automatically every time you use it.
All templates where you’ve used a Quick Update Label will be displayed on the Template Settings Page.
You can quickly change the 'Label' from this screen. So for instance, when you change to a new batch number, just update the new number here. This new number will update your main template.
See the guides section on Making Templates to learn how to add a Quick Label to one of your templates.
A Collection is a folder for keeping your note templates organised.
From the note writing screen (the Notepad) it's easy to switch Collections by pressing the options toggle.
To make a new Collection follow the steps below:
Click 'Create Collection'
A new field will appear. Type in a name/label for your new Collection then press Save to update changes.
How to add basic templates to a collection  Permanently delete a Collection by pressing the delete button.
WARNING: if you delete a Collection it is not possible to get it back.
Click Edit
Rename your collection then press save.
Smilenotes allows you to keep multiple 'Collections' of note templates. Each Collection contains note templates organised into categories (or folders).
You can have different Collections for different purposes.
Easily switch between your Template Collections by clicking on the menu and selecting a different Collection.
The name of the active Collection is displayed in the blue banner.